Short Film
After the death of her mother years earlier, Emily returns to her family’s farm in the south of
Sweden to face the long avoided task of digging through her mother’s belongings. When her
childhood friend arrives from the States for moral support, Emily stumbles through the murky
terrain of trauma and grief, straining their relationship and forcing her subconscious fears to
bubble to the surface.
About the Production
mother daughter (Kära Dotter) was filmed in Svalöv, Sweden in the summer of 2017. Birthed from the real life dreams and experiences of writer/actor Emily Faris, she plays a fictionalized version of herself along with her childhood friend, Mia Fraboni. The film is produced by Faris and Fraboni, and co-produced by Ania Pachura in cooperation with AStA Hildesheim and Studentenwork OstNiedersachsen Film Fund. mother daughter is directed by American Filmmaker Joshua Gleason. In the film, Emily (Faris) is visited by her friend Mia (Fraboni) as they prepare an old family property in the south of Sweden to be sold. The process forces Emily to confront the loss of her mother and the grief seeping into her subconscious, slowly fracturing the line between dreams and reality.
mother daughter was an Official Selection at the Boden International Film Festival 2023.
Please visit the IMDB page for more information on the crew.
The film can be viewed via private Vimeo link, please reach out to us via the Contact page for inquiries.